Has there been a time when you were on the receiving end of bad customer service? During that encounter did you consider whether you would do business with that organization again?
When we have substandard or bad customer service experiences, we associate unhappy emotions with that place of business. When we are unhappy we tend to avoid the people and/or places that create those emotions inside of us.
As a business owner or executive, have you considered the cost of not providing customer service training for the people employed to deliver excellent customer service to your customers? Did you put some measures in place to combat bad customer service?
Have they been provided with a model to follow that can help them to provide great service that aligns with your organization’s mission, vision, and goals? Have you provided a model they can follow to resolve customer complaints or how to handle difficult customers?
Customer retention is too important to leave to chance. Employees come from different backgrounds and have different values from each other and it is a disservice to the organization to leave it up to them to decide how they will handle your customers.
Did you know that it “costs five times as much to acquire a new customer than it does to retain the current ones?”
Did you know that “seventy-nine percent (79%) of customers who had a bad experience told others about it?” You know how quickly word of mouth spreads.
Did you know that “eighty-two (82%) percent of customers stopped doing business with an organization due to poor customer experiences?”
And, did you know that a business only typically “hears from four (4%) of disgruntled customers?”
As business owners, we must consider the cost of poor customer service and then ensure that the people who are the face of our business also understand these costs and how they impact them.
When people understand the “what’s in it for me” principle, they are more inclined to act. The “what’s in it for me” for the employee is to continue to be employed and to live the lifestyle a job affords them.
The reality is without the customer, whether in person or online, there can be no jobs nor can they be a business to operate.
Have you considered the cost?
Duquesa D. Dean is a Certified Trainer, Speaker, and a Transformation Coach. She is an Associate Trainer with the International Board of Certified Trainers and has over 20 years of experience in the customer service field. She coaches organizations large and small to lift their service levels and offers a unique style of customer service training. Duquesa is the author of three books “Chase Your Dreams”, “Sister, Stand Up Again & “Bruised But Not Broken”.
To book Corporate Training Services of Duquesa, email duquesa@duquesadean.com or call 242-424-6012.