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New Year, New……….

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At the start of a New Year, we often hear the sayings, “New Year, New Me’ or ‘In with the new out with the old.”

The New Year signifies new beginnings; a time to start fresh, forgetting the failures of the previous year or shifting focus to the accomplishments desired in the new year.

New Year goals are set at the very beginning of the year – usually by January 1st, most people have written a list of goals they’d like to achieve.  Unfortunately, as the focus on the New Year dissipates, so does the focus on achieving those goals.

John C Maxwell reminds us that “Growth doesn’t just happen and that personal growth is not a natural process in most people’s lives.”

Do you have a plan for your growth and development?  What areas of your life have you considered growing in this year?  What books are on your book list?  What new experiences do you have planned to stimulate and open your mind?

My life has been super blessed because my mom and my mentor taught me how to create success blueprints for each of my goals.  Those blueprints made it easy for me to take action.

New Year Guide

I’d like to share some tips that helped me transform my life.

  1. Align yourself with an accountability partner and a mentor. Share your plan for growth with them and ask them to hold you accountable for it.  Schedule regular meetings with them (my suggestion is at least monthly) to review your progress toward achieving your goals.
  2. Create a vision board. Place it in an area where you will see it every single day.  On your vision board, place picture images of the goals you are working towards.
  3. On weekly basis, review your goals. Examine the actions you’ve taken towards achieving your goals.  Assess where you may have procrastinated, delayed or any time you may have wasted and determine the steps you will take the following week to be more focused on your goals.  Examine your successes and make those actions steps habits.
  4. Assess your failures. This is where you will experience tremendous learning.  Take the experience and use it to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
  5. Sign up for a course. This could be in any area that interests you and will stimulate your mind.  Learn something new.
  6. Become a mentor. Sharing your life experiences with others helps you to grow.  As a mentor, you assist another individual to navigate life.  You are a listening ear, you ask probing questions and you help to guide a young adult through some of the most challenging times of their lives. It’s a win-win situation as both individuals learn and grow together.
  7. Read daily. It is often said that knowledge is power.  Read books that help you and challenge you to develop.
  8. Have fun. Yes, set aside some time to enjoy life.  Life is about balance so find some time to spend with your family, and friends and do activities that make you happy.

I hope that these tips help to transform your life as they did mine.

As I conclude, I’d like to ask you to ponder a few questions that I myself have answered.  In his book, the 15 Laws of Growth, John C Maxwell asks:

  • Where do you want to go in life?

  • What direction do you want to go in?

  • What’s the farthest you can imagine going?

  • How long will this take?

New Year Resolutions

Personal growth and self-development are extremely rewarding and necessary.  We cannot achieve our goals and dreams without making them priorities.

The major factor that holds most of us back from accomplishing our goals is FEAR.  Fear is false expectations appearing real. The more we grow and learn the easier it is to stare fear in the face, recognize it for what it is, and take action!

When we are skilled, confident, and knowledgeable our confidence grows. When our confidence grows, we begin attempting things that once seemed impossible.

Don’t use the old New Year’s clichés. Cast those aside and make 2020 the year you truly transform from where you are to where you want to be!

I’d love to be your coach and accountability partner.  I invite you to join me for a full year of coaching and accountability.  Register for Metamorphosis Academy.  It is designed to help people MORPH & TRANSFORM.

Click this link to secure your spot:

Let’s morph together!

Duquesa D. Dean is a Certified Corporate Trainer, Speaker, and a Transformation Coach. She is an Associate Trainer with the International Board of Certified Trainers and a certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer with the John Maxwell Team.

Duquesa is the author of three books “Chase Your Dreams”, “Sister, Stand Up Again & “Bruised But Not Broken”.

To book Duquesa, email or call 242-424-6012

Remember, I’m your sister along the journey and I’m rooting for your success.